Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Type for Yorkshire cards - development - colour

Can't get the gradient as a stroke :( I don't think it issential though a block colour might look just as good now the type is all linear...

I love it :)

Its good when a few hours of testing and working how to do things pays off.
Can't wait to print and create another mock-up with the embossing on it.

Type for Yorkshire cards - development

Creating swatches and testing them as fills for the Helvetica font. I like the example on the left but you can see the joins - white gaps. Need to work on this...

Increasing the initial swatch size before transferring it into the swatch panel seems to work beter at removing the gaps. I can still see some though. I won't rest until it is perfect!

Ahhhh success!

The initial swatch needs to be the size of which the area of type is going to cover, so for these lines of text the swatch needed to be rectangular rather than square. All a bit over my head but at least it works and there re no gaps. Now to test colour, more swatches to make.

Layout and type for Yorkshire cards - development ... more

Still struggling to find the font I want! I want the line quality like this, but I think it would be more effective in an easier to read typeface like Helvetica. Think a few hours on illustrator is needed to create what I want as I can't find a pre-designed one anywhere on the internet. It will be a good process to do anyway and more satisfying knowing I created the look I wanted myself.

Now to remember how to do swatches etc. in illustrator... hope I'm on the right track with this idea.

Layout and type for Yorkshire cards - development.

Here are the spreads of the cards I have worked on so far.
I like the Helvetica font but i think the gradient is too much against the contours, I want to try a more linear font but still keep a bold colour fill on the type. More development needed.

Topography maps - Yorkshire

He is the template for the more accurate map of Yorkshire, it focuses on the Yorkshire moors. There are less layers than the previous mock-up card so I am still hoping it will be as successful. I will test it soon...

Yorkshire card - type development

I had previously used a serif font for the cards but I think a clean simple san serif font like Arial or Helvetica will have more impact and have a greater contrast to the delicate contour lines on the card, there will also be a bigger surface area of type to hopefully emphasise the embossing.

Yorkshire birthday card mock-up 2

Mock-up number two.

Definitely an improving on the crafting of the embossing. However i think the typography needs work to add more impact to the card and the map could represent Yorkshire more realistically...

Off to find a map of Yorkshire now, think the moors will have some good contours.

Developing greeting card logo

I prefer the round speech bubble a lot, also the tip alows for further development of a range for different dialects, like adding Yorkshire or Cockney.

Yorkshire card - mock-up 1.

These are images of the development and process of making my first mock-up for a greeting card series. The cards are all based on Yorkshire dialect, the topographic map is embossed onto the card to show the depth you would see from the contours on a map.

Things to change:

With so many layers to the contour map, It was hard to see where to emboss, as the lines don't show up on a light box because the card is too thick and embossing with a press this way would still not walk.

To solve this I will see how the design will look with the contour lines drawn out onto the card itself then embossed.

I could use colour for the contour lines too. This could be a different colour for each different card.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Topography maps

Design sheet showing the idea of using a topographic map of Yorkshire along with the Yorkshire dialect on the greeting cards.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Greeting cards - quotes - yorkshire sayings

I have decided to look at Yorkshire sayings regarding greetings cards, seen as i am from Yorkshire, at home I live nr. Barnsley which has a very broad accent, some people can't understand what we say.
I have also wanted to include embossing in my designs, as it is a process i have wanted to try sometime, i wanted to fit this in with the whole concept though. After much thought and sketching on design sheets and chit chatting about ideas in the studio we came across with the idea that i should include topographic maps of Yorkshire on the cards as it will relate to the sayings and also will be a good way to experiment with embossing.

crack on with it now then :)

Monday, 18 January 2010

Greeting card brief

So i have started to develop a brand for my cards, they will be based around quotes. The brand is called "Quote me on that"

here are some ideas i have worked on so far.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Greeting card brief. Ideas.

Because i want to focus on creating typographic greeting cards i thought the best concept to develop is a serious of phrases or quotes relating to each card i produce.

For example the first card will be a THANK YOU card.

Quotes and phrases:

1.) Every time we say 'Thank You' we experience nothing less than heaven on earth.

                                                                                                           Sarah Ban Breathnach
2.) The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.
                                                                                                       Oscar Wilde
3.) Not what we give, but what we share, for the gift without the giver is bare.
                                                                                                 James Russell Lowell
4.) I feel a very unusual sensation - if it isn't indigestion, i think it must be gratitude.
                                                                                                               Benjamin Disraeli
5.) Gratitude is the memory of the heart.
                                    Jean Baptise Massieu
6.) This isn't a thank you note, it's a hug with a fold in it.

FMP Briefs chosen so far - initials

1. YCN competition brief. Ted Baker, window display graphics – chosen for the chance to take print design further than paper and to design layout for larger scale and how the audience interact with the displays for their shopping experience.

2. Important issues – poster brief for 3 causes, climate change, nuclear threat and medical care availability. These are endorsed by different British charities, Green Peace, Emergency and WWF. (This brief was developed from a past Good 50x70 competition brief) Chose this brief to push my interest in awareness to the audience.

3. Typographic greetings cards. Chosen to allow a creation of a brand from scratch and then develop designs to push my knowledge of print stocks and processes.

4. 3 Minutes. Past Istd competition brief. I am going to develop this to design type and layout publication.

5. 74 Rpm. Past Istd brief, on music lyrics of the 20th century. I see this as an opportunity to produce a typographic piece. I want to experiment with formats and paper structures.

FMP - propsal - rationale

I am focusing my FMP on type and layout through the theme of lucid design. I think a design message should be expressed clearly and easily understood. I feel this can be achieved through design that is communicated effectively with a clear concept and also to aid this would be work with the graphic design principles of layout, especially the grid.

I plan to produce work that will explore these areas and I aim to build some strong pieces for my portfolio. I prefer working typographically but I still want to be able to incorporate image into the layout aspect of my design. Mainly through use of photography.

I like designing to inform, educate an audience or make them aware of something. I think it aids in creating lucid design, so the briefs I choose will evidence this.